DJPunjab for Android

DJPunjab for Android 1.0

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適用於 Android 的 DJPunjab:您的終極音樂伴侶

您是一個總是在尋找新的和令人興奮的歌曲以添加到您的播放列表中的音樂愛好者嗎?您是否喜歡聽旁遮普語和寶萊塢音樂,但發現很難跟上最新發布的音樂?如果是這樣,那麼適用於 Android 的 DJPunjab 就是您的完美應用!

DJPunjab App 是一款免費的音樂應用程序,提供不同風格的歌曲以滿足各種口味。無論您是喜歡歡快的 Bhangra 曲調還是深情的寶萊塢民謠,DJPunjab 都能滿足您的需求。憑藉其來自各行各業的大量歌曲收藏,此應用程序有望成為您的終極音樂伴侶。

那麼是什麼讓 DJPunjab 從其他音樂應用程序中脫穎而出呢?讓我們仔細看看它的一些主要功能:

1. 海量歌曲

使用 DJPunjab 的最大優勢之一是其廣泛的歌曲庫。從經典歌曲到新品,這款應用程序適合所有人。無論您喜歡旁遮普民歌還是現代寶萊塢曲目,DJPunjab 都能滿足您的需求。

2. 輕鬆導航

DJPunjab 的另一個重要功能是其用戶友好的界面,使導航變得輕而易舉。您可以輕鬆搜索您最喜愛的藝術家或使用簡單的過濾器瀏覽不同的流派。

3. 高品質音頻

在手機上聽音樂時,音質很重要!借助 DJPunjab 的高質量音頻流功能,即使通過移動數據流,您也可以享受水晶般清晰的聲音。

4. 免費下載

想下載您喜歡的曲目並離線收聽嗎?沒問題!使用 DJPunjabs 的免費下載功能,您可以將任何歌曲直接保存到您的設備上,無需互聯網連接即可隨時收聽。


DJPunjabs 的團隊定期用新版本更新他們的圖書館,以便用戶永遠不會用完新鮮內容。


借助 Djpunjabs 中的自定義播放列表功能,用戶可以創建自己的個性化播放列表,方法是將他們喜歡的不同類型的曲目添加到一個地方,他們可以隨時隨地訪問,而無需反复搜索。


如果您正在尋找一款易於使用但功能全面的音樂應用程序,它提供從經典熱門歌曲到旁遮普和寶萊塢流派的現代排行榜榜首的一切,那麼 Djpunjabs 就是您的最佳選擇。這款免費的娛樂軟件將在您的指尖提供數小時的音樂享受!

發行人 AYNInfotech
發布日期 2018-08-02
添加日期 2018-08-02
類別 娛樂軟件
子類別 音樂軟件
操作系統要求 Android
要求 DJPunjab App is a free music app which has different flavors of songs to offer. It offers you songs from all walks of entertainment. Be it Punjabi or Bollywood songs, you will dance to the rhythm of every song we have stored in for you in our DJPunjab. All the latest Punjabi songs, Bollywood songs, Bhangra songs, Bollywood songs and Punjabi video songs are available to beat for you at just one click of yours! AYN InfoTech has come up with the most amazing app of the year. The entire album of dance numbers, romantic hits, mp3 songs are waiting for you. DJPunjab will be your companion and allow you to play your favorite tracks. A song for every mood, every season and every occasion. You just can't get off this if you are a music lover; even if you aren't, you will be One...! Not just a simple music app but it comes along with the most amazing combo of Music - Radio; yes you read it right. DJPunjab is a music application not only with Punjabi, DJ Punjabi, and Mp3 Songs but also with a whole new Radio feature. This feature allows you to play your favorite music radio channel from any regional language. There are albums which are designed which enable you to select from a wide range of Hindi songs and from different types of music. There is navigation for Top songs, newly released songs and albums across various categories. A one stop junction for all your Hindi, Bollywood, remix, Punjabi, DJ songs! Features: 1. Countless mp3 Songs Download and Punjabi songs. 2. Get Free mp3 music file in a different format and view your favorite video songs. 3. We update you with latest track and albums notification. 4. Easily get songs from all playlist. 5. Divided all the mp3 tracks into different categories e.g. Artist, Albums, All songs, most played, recently added, favorite songs, liked songs, trending songs and latest songs. 6. Easily delete and share downloaded mp3 songs from an app. 7. New designing media player. 8. Play, Pause and Exit button in notification bar 9. Play mp3 music online and offline. 10. New designing media player. 11. This app is free and easily available on Google Play store. 12. Search Option available for your convenience.
價錢 Free
每週下載 0
下載總數 431

